Who We Are

Safety pays.  Everyone knows that.  But making it reality?  That's a different animal.  So how do you keep yourself or your employees from being among the 3 million workers injured on the job every year?  Make Gray Matters Apparel a part of your safety incentives program.  Bold, eye-catching designs on sturdy, comfortable clothing to keep them talking about ways to do their job differently.  We're pleased to offer the features you've asked for most, including:

  • Extended sizes in popular colors.
  • Chest pockets
  • 'Tagless' labels for greater comfort

Since 2001, my team and I have enjoyed front row seats, working in the trenches, on some remarkable high-profile construction projects. The struggle is real for many general contractors and specialty trades to keep their injuries to zero.  Safety programs should be an integral part of any company's operations.  Incentivizing milestones and rewarding the folks who get you to zero can make a big difference.  

Browse our selection and talk to us about how we can help YOUR company, including special discounts for bulk orders and customization.
